Products quality
One of the priorities of "PlastiForm, Ltd." is manufacture of high quality products conforming to high international requirements. Our qualified technologists, three-stage technical and laboratory control make their contribution to the manufacture of modern and sought after products.
Best grades of granulated PETF, which enjoy a high reputation both on the Russian and international markets, are used in manufacture of preforms and polymer caps.
The company of "PlastiForm, Ltd." collaborates with a leading producer of highly efficient liquid dyes, additives and superconcentrates. A wide colour range of dye stuffs enable us to manufacture products in most different shades according to the client’s wish.
Availability of a permission issued by health care bodies of the Russian Federation is a must for materials and dye stuffs used for manufacture of caps contacting food substances.
A valid certificate of the quality management system conformance to the requirements of the standard ISO 9001-2011 is an official document, which certifies the quality of the work and services of an enterprise due to the guarantee of the conformity of all the processes at the enterprise with the quality standard ISO 9001-2011. That’s why the certificate can guarantee high quality of goods, work and services to the consumer.