About the Company
The company of “PlastiForm, Ltd” is a dynamically developing enterprise, an only one in the Central Black Soil Zone of Russia, which produces PET-preforms and polymer caps (standard PCO 1881).
It manufactures high quality competitive products, able to meet the most exacting requirements of clients, thus ensuring a mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation.
The company has at its disposal two production sites in Russia, equipped with modern high tech facilities of the largest manufacturer of this type in the world, and namely “Netstal-Maschinen AG” (Switzerland).
Only high quality raw material and advanced techniques are used by the company. Upon the completion of the production process every product is subjected to a three-stage quality control.
The production process is environmentally friendly, which fact is supported by corresponding certificates.
The beneficial location of the company in respect to the federal highways enables it to provide rapid and efficient deliveries around Russia ensuring high quality and reliability of transportation.
The team of highly professional engineers, technologists and managers:
-ensures manufacture of 100% quality products;
-aims at constant increase in the production capacities, as well as in the product mix;
-is able to secure leading positions on the market of PET-preforms and closing fittings.
Our production in a video