Closure print compact, produced by the German company of "Tampoprint AG"

Closure printing compacts, produced by the company of "Tampoprint AG" for printing on closures, possess in comparison with units of other techniques the advantages listed below:

- precision in superposition of colours: ± 0.15 mm;

- precision of the image positioning.

The quality of printed images is high as compared to other printing processes. The closure print compact ensures high contrast, especially for thin lines, symbols and images. Even printing on dark colour closures can be carried out without any problems. As opposed to offset printing units, the of "Tampoprint AG" compacts are characterized by a very high degree of superposition, which makes it possible to obtain images of practically photographic quality.

The paint layer is always of the same size, since it’s provided by the depth of engraving of the image on the printing block cylinder. That’s why the stable quality and spreading capacity of paint are ensured without any lengthy alignment of the paint amount which is characteristic of the offset printing practice.

Thanks to the elasticity of silicon plugs, it’s possible to carry out printing even on closures with an uneven surface, with remnants of an ingate relief in the centre of the closure upper surface, the print’s quality in this case is even better than that of with offset type prints.